Happy Monday, Cats! Here is our weekly lineup. Please note that our Edison Bash Color Run is THIS Friday directly after school! If you haven't already done so.... 1. SIGN UP your student(s) on MyBooster.com today. 2. SHARE with your family/friends using the SHARE tools on MyBooster.com. 3. GIVE a donation. We’re currently at $8,489 towards our goal of $10,000. Every donation counts and brings us closer to our goals! We still need volunteers to help make this event a success: Sign up by following this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054AAEAC29A0FE3-51544384-bash#/ Thank you again for supporting our school!
about 2 months ago, Edison Middle School
weekly lineup
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month! These students were nominated by their teachers for being excellent students and leaders in the classroom. Keep it up, Cats! 6-1 Michaelis Lindberg Isaiah Dedo 6-2 Nahla Rehema Dayveon Renville 6-3 Nicole Wynstra Elliott Loane 7-1 Gloria Hernandez Jackson Nelson 7-2 Evelyn Martinez Owen Roorda 7-3 Selah Schmidt Ashton Loween 8-1 Bless'n Evans Luke Sigaty 8-2 Kylee Parish Landon Krumvieda 8-3 Bergen Kirsch Gavin Gassen (not pictured)
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
https://youtu.be/-znMTLcsgio "Report, Don't Repost." Parents, students, and the community are asked to take 3 minutes to hear an important message from Superintendent Jane Stavem and Police Chief Jon Thum. School safety is everyone's responsibility!
2 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Tomorrow's giveaway is a bluetooth microphone! If you haven't done so already... 1️⃣ Sign up TODAY at MyBooster.com. 2️⃣ Share about our fundraiser with friends and family. 3️⃣ Donate if you are able.
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
We are excited to announce the kickoff of our Edison Bash Color Run fundraiser! Our goal is to raise $10,000 to enhance our school’s resources and provide our students with the best possible educational experience. This year we are raising funds for the PBIS (incentive) store & purchase of a new sound system for the cafe! We encourage all families to… 1️⃣ Sign up TODAY at MyBooster.com. 2️⃣ Share about our fundraiser with friends and family. 3️⃣ Donate if you are able. Throughout the fundraiser, we will have daily giveaway prize winners! You can enter through our fundraising site, MyBooster.com. Tomorrow’s prize giveaway will have TWO winners who will get a comfy, cozy tortilla blanket! 🌯
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
burrito blanket
Here is your weekly sports lineup!
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
weekly lineup
Student Spotlight! 7th grader Jacari was nominated by Coach Percival as Athlete of the Week. Earlier in the week after the 7th grade football game, Jacari assisted a parent from the opposing team gather up her belongings and fold up her chair, allowing her to leave the game quickly and easily. That parent then called Edison the next day to give high praise to Jacari and was very grateful for his help. Coach P says " Being a student-athlete is more than just the impact you make on the field but also off the field. Jacari has shown what it means to follow the Edison DREAM. As a coaching staff and facility staff, we are all extremely proud of him." Great job, Jacari and keep showing what the Edison DREAM looks like!
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
We’re only a few days away from kicking off our Edison Bash Color Run fundraiser! Time is running out to enter to win our first sweepstakes giveaway prize, which is an Amazon Fire Tablet!! Sign up TODAY to get started, and to enter your student's name for the drawing for the Amazon Fire Tablet! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together to reach our fundraising goals. This year, we are hoping to raise $10,000 to fund our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Store as well as purchase a new sound system for the cafe! What is the PBIS Store? Students following the school-wide expectations, rules, and routines can receive incentive points from staff and turn them into great prizes from our store! Here is the Key Information to help you during the fundraiser: 💵Fundraising Goal: $10,000 🎁Fundraising Item: the PBIS (incentive) store & purchase new sound system for cafe 🎉Kickoff Date (in school): 09/16/2024 👟Event Date: 09/27/2024 after school All donations will be collected through our fundraising platform: MyBooster.com How to Get Started on MyBooster.com: Click “Sign Up” Enter your School Name Enter your Information VERY IMPORTANT! Once you sign up, get started by sharing via Facebook, email and text! Tips for Success: Set a goal for how much to raise and make a plan with your student on how to get there. Share, share, share using our easy online tools! Make sure to thank everyone that supported you after you reach your goal. Thank you for helping make our fundraiser a success! First giveaway prize winner will be announced on 09/16/2024.
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
color run
We had a fabulous mentor kick off breakfast today at Edison. We’re so grateful for our partnerships with TeamMates and LSS. We have an amazing group of mentors who selflessly give their time weekly to our students to support and encourage them on their middle school journey and beyond!
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
Here is this week's sports lineup. Let's go Cats!
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
weekly lineup
Starting tomorrow, Monday 9/9 we will begin counting tardies in attendance. Please help encourage students to be on time to class!
2 months ago, Edison Middle School
Happy Friday, EMS Families! As we go into this weekend, take a moment to review some best practices and reminders for the beginning of the year. Next week is our first full week! Let's set ourselves up for success.
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
Good Morning! NWEA MAP site issues have been corrected. Students will be MAP testing today, Thursday, Sept. 05, in PRO and CORE classes. Please ensure that students are to school on time and have their materials to begin their testing.
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
Edison students will be participating in the Fall NWEA MAP assessments tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 04. Students will complete Reading and Math testing. The MAP tests help us determine students' instructional level and measure academic growth throughout the school year in the areas of Reading and Math. While the assessment is administered online, students take these assessments in the building with their teacher on their chromebook. Please help your student to remember to bring his/her chromebook home to charge and back to school tomorrow fully charged. The MAP tests also require earbuds or headphones. Earbuds can be purchased in the office for $1.00 for students who need them. Students will be testing in their PRO and CORE classes: Attendance tomorrow is essential! Please have students to school on time. Students who need to be absent due to illness, or being out of town will have an opportunity to test at a later date. Pictured are some things your student can do to prepare, but the most important thing to remember is to TRY-do your best! If some parts of the test seem hard, keep trying and don't give up!
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
Due to the forecasted weather in the Sioux Falls Area all OUTDOOR Edison Middle School activities are CANCELED today. Football - Practice is canceled and students will need to have a way home arranged for them after school. Cross Country - Athletes will not run outside. However, Cross Country athletes will meet and practice indoors. They can be picked up at their normal time. 7th Grade Volleyball - Practice will continue as scheduled. Athletes can be picked up at their normal time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Athletic Coordinator Tyler Robel at tyler.robel@k12.sd.us. Thank you for helping keep EMS Athletics safe and GO CATS!
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
REMINDER: No school Friday, 8/30 or Monday, 8/2 for Labor Day Break!
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
no school reminder
A BIG shout out and thank you to these 8th Grade WEB Leaders. These students have spent the last week helping all of the new EMS Cats navigate the building and lockers and everything in between. Thank you WEB Leaders!
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
WEB Leaders
Football and Cross Country practices for today, 8/26 are cancelled. Volleyball will still have practice today. There is still time to join fall sports! If you are a 7th or 8th grader interested in Cross Country, Football or Volleyball, sign up today through bound! Be sure you have an up to date sports physical on file. Questions? Contact Tyler Robel at Tyler.Robel@k12.sd.us https://www.gobound.com/sd/schools/sfedison
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
🐾If you missed getting your Edison Spirit Wear at Catapult Days, check out this link to the online store https://mrghauff.chipply.com/EDISONMS 🏐Volleyball, 🏈 Football 👟Cross Country, and Edison Cats designs available 👏🏼Orders will be available around September 24 🛒The online store is open until 9/2 at 11:59 pm 🚨All Orders Final If you have questions, please contact PTO directly at the email below: edisonsiouxfalls@gmail.com
3 months ago, Edison Middle School
PICTURE DAY is TOMORROW- Monday, Aug 26. Picture packets came home the first day with your student. You can also order online using the below link- http://scherling.preorderphotos.com/?AccessCode=Q63AG7
3 months ago, Edison Middle School